Like a Narnian portal, Daniel Merriam’s work is one of transport. Without the flick of a wand, his fairies carry you off to carnivalesque and ‘Peter Pan-ish’ neverlands. Merriam was born and raised in the United States and spent his early years working in architectural design. Merriam is also the founder and owner of Bubble…
Fantast in Focus: Tim Addey of The Prometheus Trust
Tim Addey is the co-founder and chair of The Prometheus Trust, a UK charity that supports scholarship in the Platonic tradition. Just like the ancient Academy, the group meets throughout the year and engages in discussions on and readings of Plato’s dialogues. Unlike other philosophical organisations, the objective of the trust is the promotion of Platonism as…
Fantast in Focus: Mike Jay
FANTAST IN FOCUS: MIKE JAY Mike Jay is a cultural historian who hounds the maddening stories of the people who ventured to bizarre borderlands of consciousness. Praised by the Guardian, The Independent, and the New Statesmen, Mike has written about nineteenth-century drug culture, the Illuminati, and the earliest claims of machine-based brainwashing. Mike currently curates…
Fantast in Focus: Emilia Kabakov and the Ship of Tolerance
The Ship of Tolerance spans countries, religions, and race. First conceived over ten years ago, the project was created by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov as a collaborative artwork for children around the world. Both Kabakovs are artists and have had their works displayed at places such as the Pace Gallery, The Saatchi Gallery, The Serpentine…
Interview with artist John Harris
Carl Sagan, eminent astronomer and populariser of science once said, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” His words ring true in the atmospheric art of John Harris, whose illustrations have been featured in both science and science-fiction media for over thirty years. His book covers have given visual life…
Interview with author Marie Brennan
Marie Brennan is a novelist, folklorist, and martial artist. The author of several works of fiction including the Doppelgänger duology, The Lady Trent series, and over forty short stories, Brennan has a writing style that evokes the reports of mythic lost worlds during The Age of Discovery. She’s been featured in Io9 and Tor, and her…
Fantast in Focus: Essie Fox
FANTAST IN FOCUS: ESSIE FOX Essie Fox is a British illustrator, speaker, and author of three riveting Victorian Gothic mystery novels: The Somnambulist, Elijah’s Mermaid, and The Goddess and the Thief. Her latest book, The Goddess and the Thief is scheduled to be re-released in paperback later this month and features a curious and enchanting plot which pays homage to nineteenth-century Spiritualism and the…
Robbing the spirits of Westminster Abbey
ODD TRUTHS: ROBBING THE SPIRITS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY Not every magician was fortunate enough to get on the royal payroll in Stuart England. The unlucky ones often had to resort to subtle hustling to make a living; drifting from job to job, trading their magic for power and influence. A few of these spellcasters used the “Solomonic arts”…
Fantast in Focus: Cyndy Salisbury
It’s easy to get entranced by the masks of our September Fantast in Focus, Cyndy Salisbury, who in a way, sculpts the faces of gods and goddesses, using nothing but her imagination and a careful artistic technique. Her website, Art of The Mask is home to a pantheon of her creations. Cyndy is based in Bainbridge,…
Interview with director Samuel Orange
Samuel Orange is an unique auteur and self-described alchemist with a deep and abiding interest in the unification and reciprocity of spirituality and art. His performance troupe, The Alchemic Order is behind The Picture of Dorian Gray, a theatrical reinterpretation of Oscar Wilde’s Victorian novel of the same name. The show, which takes place in a secret…