FANTAST IN FOCUS: DR HANNAH PRIEST Dr Hannah Priest is a historian and writer. A graduate of The University of Manchester, she specialises in everyone’s favourite monster: the werewolf. Like other characters in folk tales and Gothic fiction (such as vampires and witches), werewolves have a direct link to historical figures and events. Fascinatingly, Dr Priest’s book She…
Protected: Fantast in Focus: Alex Tooth
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Fantast in Focus: Heather Theurer
FANTAST IN FOCUS: HEATHER THEURER Heather Theurer’s art combines the best of high fantasy with mythic and religious symbolism. In her oil paintings, the heavenly clashes with the infernal, and dragons, devils, and angels have it out as they contest for the salvation of souls. Heather hails from the idyllic town of Paradise, Utah, and,…
Fantasts in Focus: Architects of Air
FANTASTS IN FOCUS: ARCHITECTS OF AIR For the past two decades, Architects of Air have been constructing buildings from nothing but air, spirit, and light. Their luminaria have toured the world; forty-one countries to be exact. Known as “pneumatic sculptures”, the globular and polygonal miniature worlds are brought to life by their colourful interiors and…
Fantast in Focus: Ferdinando Buscema
FANTAST IN FOCUS: FERDINANDO BUSCEMA “Your focus determines your reality.” This advice, given to Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, perfectly sums up the interdependent relationship between perception and experience. The idea behind it is that a person’s subjective passions and opinions can easily alter his experience…
Fantast in Focus: Michiel Schrijver
You don’t need to stow away on a flying galleon captained by pirates named Hook and Smee to visit these summer lands. Michiel Schrijver’s art is like an airship’s observatory room, providing crystal-clear panoramas of gleaming cities and archipelagoes. His worlds are completely imaginary, but their trace similarities to real destinations–like Venice, Santorini, and the…
Alexander M. Jacob, The Diamond-Selling Spy of India
ODD TRUTHS: ALEXANDER M. JACOB In 1891, Alexander M. Jacob made history when he sold the largest diamond the world had ever seen to the richest man on the Indian subcontinent, Osman Ali Khan, the Nizam of Hyderabad. After the sale, Jacob was accused of fraud and taken to court in Calcutta. The subsequent trials irreparably damaged his…
Fantast in Focus: Darran Anderson
FANTAST IN FOCUS: DARRAN ANDERSON Mythic cities, such as Atlantis and El Dorado, never really vanish. They’re as old as the human imagination itself and derive from ideas that are constantly evolving alongside humanity’s changing perceptions of the cosmos. The mind seems boundless, which means that any study of its ‘metropolises of fantasy’ is always…
Fantast in Focus: Becca Tarnas
FANTAST IN FOCUS: BECCA TARNAS Becca Tarnas’s research focuses on two of modernity’s greatest visionaries, J.R.R. Tolkien and Carl Jung. An alumna of Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, Becca is currently completing her doctorate at the California Institute of Integral Studies in the Ecology, Spirituality and Religion program. She wears many hats. While playing the role of an Odysseus…
Fantast in Focus: Olga Suvorova
FANTAST IN FOCUS: OLGA SUVOROVA If the Renaissance masters suddenly rose from the dead and started their own art collective, their artworks would probably look something like Olga Suvorova’s paintings. Olga’s figures resemble Elizabethan monarchs. With proud, powdered faces they look forward, glaring in silent conceit. Their costumes are loud and iridescent, evoking the extravagance of a Venetian masquerade…