ODD TRUTHS: ALEXANDER M. JACOB In 1891, Alexander M. Jacob made history when he sold the largest diamond the world had ever seen to the richest man on the Indian subcontinent, Osman Ali Khan, the Nizam of Hyderabad. After the sale, Jacob was accused of fraud and taken to court in Calcutta. The subsequent trials irreparably damaged his…
Category: History
The Crystal-Hunters of Chamonix
ODD TRUTHS: THE CRYSTAL-HUNTERS OF CHAMONIX Would you scale a mountain and battle ice-storms for a geode the size of a baseball? It’s a daredevil’s dream. Not everyone can pull it off. Crystal-hunters are an unique breed of adventurer; part rock-climber, mineralogist, and collector. In Chamonix, where the rest of the world takes to the ski…
Noble Drew Ali, A Jazz Age Prophet
ODD TRUTHS: NOBLE DREW ALI, A JAZZ AGE PROPHET Timothy Drew (also known as Noble Drew Ali) rose to prominence in the midst of the Roaring Twenties, the era of bootleggers, speakeasies, and flappers. Although he was part of this milieu, Drew was destined to be the spokesman for what he saw as a spiritual answer…
Marsilio Ficino: Florence’s Dumbledore
Marsilio Ficino’s ascendancy was the result of an unlikely meeting of minds. In 1439, Florentine banking magnate Cosimo de’ Medici started attending philosophical lectures by Gemistos Plethon, a Byzantine Platonist. Although Plethon was part of an official envoy of Greek officials who had been meeting to discuss the future of the Christian church, he might have also been one…
Robbing the spirits of Westminster Abbey
ODD TRUTHS: ROBBING THE SPIRITS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY Not every magician was fortunate enough to get on the royal payroll in Stuart England. The unlucky ones often had to resort to subtle hustling to make a living; drifting from job to job, trading their magic for power and influence. A few of these spellcasters used the “Solomonic arts”…
Interview with author Andrea Zuvich
The Age of the Baroque–one of the most creative periods in world history–began around 1600 and lasted until the mid 18th century. It was a passionate, transitional era which gave rise to mavericks like Vivaldi, Bach, Spinoza, and Descartes. Andrea Zuvich, also known as the 17th-century lady, is a historian, novelist, and former thespian who specialises…